Time spent: 8 hours Original Idea: Final design: Artist Statement The inspiration for this project came from my love of thunderstorms. I wanted to create a simple thunderstorm landscape. This piece is important to me because I recently got a lightning bolt tattoo and that tattoo was the reason behind this design. I went back and forth a lot with this idea because I was unsure I could create something I would be happy with. I finally realized that I could use simple shapes to make the raindrops, clouds and lightning. I think what makes my piece most successful is the gradient background. I started with the background of the landscape and the moon. I made the outer edges really dark because I knew I was going to put the storm clouds there and I tried to make the center lighter in order to show a beam of light coming from the moon. The most difficult part of the project was the actual ground. I had trouble getting the bezier and quadratic curv...