
Showing posts from September, 2021


 Time spent: 8 hours Original Idea: Final design: Artist Statement      The inspiration for this project came from my love of thunderstorms. I wanted to create a simple thunderstorm landscape. This piece is important to me because I recently got a lightning bolt tattoo and that tattoo was the reason behind this design. I went back and forth a lot with this idea because I was unsure I could create something I would be happy with. I finally realized that I could use simple shapes to make the raindrops, clouds and lightning. I think what makes my piece most successful is the gradient background.     I started with the background of the landscape and the moon. I made the outer edges really dark because I knew I was going to put the storm clouds there and I tried to make the center lighter in order to show a beam of light coming from the moon. The most difficult part of the project was the actual ground.  I had trouble getting the bezier and quadratic curv...

Internet/World Wide Web

      The Internet is a global networking system that connects other computers and networks from all over the world. Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are credited with inventing the internet. They are the designers of the basic internet structure we have today and Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP) which are a set of rules that connect the computer to internet. Though it has been around since the 60s, January 1st, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Before the TCP/IP, there was no way for computers to communicate with one another. The Internet was originally used as a weapon during the Cold War. Scientists would use it to share government data. Today, the Internet is used for almost everything, including the World Wide Web      The World Wide Web is a system of webpages that can be accessed through the Internet. Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of the World Wide Web.  When he went to work at a physics lab called ...